Bitlocker Control
I get that we can do it with scripts, RMM and/or Intune, but it would be nice to be able to do it within Huntress so that all these things are centralized inside one platform.
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
Thanks for the suggestion and comments. What needs aren't being met through RMM/GPO/other methods of managing Bitlocker today?
I'd genuinely appreciate the insights!
John Waskewics
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]: Our need that is not being met would be the bitlocker keys central storage location. NOt all customers have AD domains.
John Waskewics
would be nice, otherwise, have to purchase Intune or TruGrid.
Jonathan Baynes
John Waskewics: Just enable with a script through your RMM and it's pretty easy in most of those. Our script backups the keys to our RMM and done. Seems like a better request for whatever RMM you use. :)
John Waskewics
Jonathan Baynes: How are you backing up to the RMM? We can run a script to grab the key and this will push it to the script result in our RMM, but there is not central storage place for bitlocker keys. Yes, I will request from our RMM, Continuum. If you are on that or ConnectWise, please share the backup details. Thank you.
John Waskewics: We use syncro and they have custom fields you can create on a device. So we run script like below and it uploads the key to our RMM. If you can't do something like that with Continuum that's a major bummer. If they don't support something like this you could backup to AAD if you use that. See second script below.
#TODO - MAKE SURE YOU SETUP YOUR ASSET CUSTOM FIELD CALLED "Bitlocker_Key_<drive>" for each drive as a "Text Field" on your
Syncro Device asset type. Assets -> Manage Types -> Syncro Device -> New Field
Based on the Syncro Staff product keys script.
Import-Module $env:SyncroModule
#Creates temp directory if it does not exist
Set-Location C:\
md temp
Set-Location C:\Temp
#Puts keys into text files
(Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint C).KeyProtector.recoverypassword > C:\Temp\bitlockerkeyc.txt
(Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint D).KeyProtector.recoverypassword > C:\Temp\bitlockerkeyd.txt
(Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint E).KeyProtector.recoverypassword > C:\Temp\bitlockerkeye.txt
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
#Gets keys from text files
[string] $textc = Get-Content C:\Temp\bitlockerkeyc.txt -raw
[string] $textd = Get-Content C:\Temp\bitlockerkeyd.txt -raw
[string] $texte = Get-Content C:\Temp\bitlockerkeye.txt -raw
#Adds keys to Syncro
Set-Asset-Field -Subdomain "xxxx" -Name "Bitlocker_Key_C" -Value $textc
write-host "Set the custom field value to $textc"
Set-Asset-Field -Subdomain "xxxx" -Name "Bitlocker_Key_D" -Value $textd
write-host "Set the custom field value to $textd"
Set-Asset-Field -Subdomain "xxxx" -Name "Bitlocker_Key_E" -Value $texte
write-host "Set the custom field value to $texte"
#Removes text files with keys from PC for security
Set-Location C:\Temp
Del bitlockerkeyc.txt
Del bitlockerkeyd.txt
Del bitlockerkeye.txt
#2. I've not tested this on at all
Created by Jeremy McMahan, McMahan TECH LLC. ==
With help from a couple of online articles ==
I forgot to document. ==
Actions to ready this script: ==
1. Replace the subdomain PLACEHOLDER with yours. ==
[string] $OSDrive = $env:SystemDrive
Import-Module $env:SyncroModule
try {
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
Enable Bitlocker using TPM
Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint $OSDrive -UsedSpaceOnly -TpmProtector -ErrorAction Continue
Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint $OSDrive -UsedSpaceOnly -RecoveryPasswordProtector
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
$key = (Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $OSDrive).KeyProtector|?{$_.KeyProtectorType -eq 'RecoveryPassword'}
$kpi = [String]$key.KeyProtectorId
BackupToAAD-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint $OSDrive -KeyProtectorId $kpi
catch {
Write-Host "Error while setting up AAD Bitlocker, make sure that you are AAD joined and are running the cmdlet as an admin: $_"
Create-Syncro-Ticket -Subdomain "PLACEHOLDERSUBDOMAIN" -Subject "BitLocker Deployment Issue" -IssueType "PC Issue" -Status "New"