Export Host Process List
James O'Leary
James O'Leary
The ability to export Process Insights Data to Amazon S3 Buckets set to US East Region 1 is now available. Please reach out to Huntress support if you would like this enabled, and check out this KB for further information: https://support.huntress.io/hc/en-us/articles/22006480117395
Jonas Pieters
This would be a nice to have, sure support can deliver the files but if we could do it ourselves it would make both of our lives easier!
Rashida'la Walsh'la
to clarify - typically we would want this as part of incident response so just dumping to Excel/CSV from within the console would be preferred. Looking at 50k entries 25/time is quite limiting and rather than building all of the search/filter functionality into the GUI allowing an export would be fine.
Even if the “export function” is a button that kicks off an API call that sends the data to the requester’s email that would be fine. Overall it's probably few and far between that anyone exports dumps this, but when they do it's likely due to an actual incident and time is of the essence.
Ed Murphy [Product Manager - Huntress]
Rashida'la Walsh'la - thanks for the feedback! We will be closely tracking Process Insights related requests as we make the feature generally available and prioritizing for follow on efforts