Ingest Logs from Bitwarden Password Manager
John Dill
Bitwarden is a popular password manager and is used in both hosted/cloud and self-hosted setups. They publish event logs via a very well documented API. Would love to see Huntress support this for ingest. PLEASE support custom URLs for self-hosted and not just cloud hosted.
Chris Bisnett
We've shipped a BitWarden integration that will collect the activity logs and store them in the Huntress SIEM! You can find the documentation here.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, don't hesitate to speak up.
Chris Bisnett
Joel DeTeves
We use Bitwarden extensively and recommend it for all our clients.
Chris Bisnett
under review
This seems pretty straight forward to implement and fits well with the other integrations we've made with password managers.