ConnectWise Billing
Chris Bisnett
Integrate with ConnectWise billing to update customer invoices with Huntress billing details.
Cameron Granger
For the time being, if you also use ConnectWise Automate, we created a guide on reporting billing to Manage using Automate here:
Dean Guo
The main feature has been complete for some time, so we'll close this one off. Please create new feedback for additional ConnectWise Billing enhancements :)
Chris Brannon
I would like to have better visibility on the sync status/errors. Currently, we have no idea if the M365 user billing sync fails.
Cameron Granger
We've developed version 1.0 (beta) of our ConnectWise Manage direct billing sync. 🎉
Anyone interested in helping us test (and have a supported environment), please email to have the feature turned on for your account.
Chris Bisnett
in progress
We're expanding the functionality of the ConnectWise integration to support updating ConnectWise Agreement Additions. Specifically we're adding the ability for our ConnectWise integration to update the quantity field for an Agreement Addition so that partners no longer have to manually update billing quantities based on their Huntress monthly invoices.
To do this, someone will have to select a Product from the ConnectWise Product Catalog that maps to the Huntress offering. This way partners who white-label their service offerings can still associate Huntress licenses with their Agreements. From there, Huntress will use the Organization mappings defined in the ConnectWise integration to find an active Agreement for the customer that has an Addition that maps to the Product. Finally the integration will update the Addition quantity based on the number of Huntress agents that were invoiced for the mapped Huntress Organization.
Hopefully this should automate the Huntress billing process for our partners that use ConnectWise.
We've got an initial proof-of-concept version of this functionality that we will be testing with some customers to ensure there are no major issues before we start to roll this out to a wider audience. If this is something you're interested in helping us test, please reach out.
Cameron Granger
Merged in a post:
Add Integration for ConnectWise Manage Billing
Cohen Barnes
As we as MSP's continue to grow and implement more and more tools into our stacks, the need for integration into CW Manage Agreement for billing purposes continues to grow in importance. Pax8 has been doing a great job with their integration and I would love to have Huntress add this feature. Feel free to reach out if you have questions.
Cameron Granger
For the time being, if you also use ConnectWise Automate, we created a guide on reporting billing to Manage using Automate here:
Michael Boone
Specifically to be able to add license counts to a customer's agreement in Connectwise Manage in the "Additions" tab.
Chris Bisnett