HaloPSA 2 Way Integration
Joel Kino
Is there any update on this and whether 2-way sync and billing integration between Huntress and HaloPSA is on the roadmap and when it will be delivered?
Eric Henry
Merged in a post:
Halo PSA / Official Request for Two Way Sync and Billing Integration
Hi, there are a few requests, one completed, for Halo PSA sync. Its there for tickets but its one way. Seems to me that a quick code improvement could give us two way sync.
Far more importantly, we need billing sync please! We are moving to Halo from CW after 15 years in CW and the accounts team need this badly. Please push up the list!
Eric Hasler
Absolutely a billing sync is high on our list. Anything to reduce human error from repetitive tasks.
Martin Straub
Yes, please 2-way sync - mark resolved in Huntress upon status change in Halo and vice-versa.
Shawn Everett
Given how popular Halo is, I'm surprised this isn't a thing. Please add this feature.
Ben Smith
Much needed please!
Jay Staal
This would be excellent for us to. Please make this a priority!
Corey DeGrandchamp
Would love to have a two-way sync that marks things as resolved w/in Huntress from tickets in HaloPSA and syncs comments.
Also a billing integration would be phenomenal too of course!
Badly need this, coming from CW to Halo this month (along with what seems to be the entire MSP community). Please get this in!
Daniel Morris
Would love this for CW PSA as well.
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