Link Investigation to Incident If an Incident is created based on an Investigation, link the investigation in the incident, and/or ideally include the analyst notes directly in the incident (which means the notes are then in the email, PSA ticket, etc.). Huntress may have already done key research that influences how we react to the incident. Example, a Cobalt Strike beacon was found! But the incident raised was classified LOW. Why Low and not High or Critical? The analyst determined it was a known legitimate beacon from a pen test, and this was documented in the Investigation. However, that extremely-important information is nowhere in the Incident. Only by manually digging through Investigations was it found. And the incident response instructions advise pretty serious actions, like wiping the host, checking logs, checking for compromised accounts, etc. One could spend copious amounts of labor and impact operations unnecessarily, when you see that it was a legit pentest usage (which we doubly-confirmed, of course). (This request is different than )